The world is mine (2015) - drama film online on CINEPUB

THE WORLD IS MINE (2015) – drama film online

“The World Is Mine” is neither austere nor watered down out of a desperate desire for commercial success. Its content is terse and meaty, and its wrapping, glossy and trashy alike, which makes it catchy. It slightly resembles “Liviu’s Dream” (2004, dir. Corneliu Porumboiu) and has something of Sean Baker in it, even if instead of leaning toward the frustrating, it verges on the magical. –

Director: Nicolae Constantin Tănase
Scriptwriters: Raluca Mănescu
Cast: Ana Maria Guran, Iulia Ciochină, Oana Rusu, Ana Vătămanu, Florin Hrițcu, Crina Mureșan, Mircea Rusu

America, here we come! (2014) by Razvan Savescu - comedy film online on CINEPUB

AMERICA, HERE WE COME! (2014) – comedy film online

Coming all the way from the little town of Târgovişte five actors, the director and a little child with his huge teddy bear are crossing the ocean to perform in New York. Not everything goes according to plan though, and the actors decide, for some extra money, to start working with a local agent, also Romanian and settled in US for some time, who promises them a major tour. Will their misadventures come to an end or are they just beginning?

Director: Răzvan Săvescu
Scriptwriters: Oana Ioachim, Răzvan Săvescu
Cast: Gheorghe Ifrim, Adrian Văncică, Mihai Călin, Ion Sapdaru, Tania Popa, Ioana Blaj, Oana Ioachim, Alexandru Bindea, Ștefan Giurgiu, Marius Chivu, Mira Furlan

Nightfall in India (2014) by Chema Rodríguez - road movie online on CINEPUB

NIGHTFALL IN INDIA (2014) – romantic film online

The “Hippie Trail”, the famous route taken by the Western hippies of the ’70s to India, which equally famously bypassed Romania, finally reaches the eastern european nation in *Nightfall in India* (2014, dir. Chema Rodríguez), a Spanish film co-produced with Romania through Strada Film.

Directed by: Chema Rodríguez
Script: Chema Rodríguez
Cast: Juan Diego, Clara Vodă, George Albert Costea, Javier Pereira, Linda Molin, Rafa Rojas

Fammily Trip (2017) by Catalin Draghici - drama movie online on CINEPUB

FAMILY TRIP (2017) – drama film online

A young father’s days are spent shuffling between work and family. His son’s anniversary and the promise he made to his family are threatened by the rush against time through the overcrowded city as other people depend on his work.

Directed by: Cătălin Drăghici
Cast: Alexandru Potocean, Silvia Gâscă, Doru Nițescu, Mihai Sîrbu, Ion Niculae, Sasha Cristian Drăghici
Script by: Cătălin Drăghici

Sunday at six (1966) by Lucian Pintilie - drama film online on CINEPUB

SUNDAY AT SIX (1966) – drama film online

Lucian Pintilie’s feature debut can be analyzed not only aesthetically or politically. The cinephile interested in the psychological analysis of the characters will find here significant resources about trauma and PTSD, transposed into film at a time when these psychological notions were not, as they are today, mainstream narratives. (

Directed by: Lucian Pintilie
Script: Ion Mihăileanu and Lucian Pintilie
Cast: Irina Petrescu, Dan Nuțu, Graziela Albini, Eugenia Popovici, Dorina-Nila Bentamar, Eugenia Bosînceanu, Marcel Gingulescu, Costel Constantinescu, Constantin Cojocaru, Lidia Gabor, Șerban Holban

The end of the world (2016) - by Gabi Virginia Șarga, Cătălin Rotaru - drama movie online on CINEPUB

4:15 P.M. THE END OF THE WORLD (2016) – drama film online

The first movie of the directorial couple Gabi Șarga & Cătălin Rotaru, followed by successful productions such as “Thou Shalt Not Kill” (2018) and “Where the Elephants Go” (2024). A courier picks up a hitchhiker on the side of the road. When the hitchhiker says the end of the world is near, the courier thinks he’s crazy. What he doesn’t know is that the encounter will change his life fundamentally.

Directed by: Gabi Virginia Șarga, Cătălin Rotaru
Cast: Alexandru Suciu, Elias Ferkin
Script by: Gabi Virginia Șarga, Cătălin Rotaru

Tanase Scatiu by Dan Pita (1976) - played by Victor Rebengiuc, drama movie online on CINEPUB

TĂNASE SCATIU (1976) – drama film online

Tănase Scatiu is, in essence, the embodiment of the parasite who climbs the social hierarchy without any scruples. Screenization of the novel of the same name by Duiliu Zamfirescu. Drowned in debts, the landlord Murguleț agrees to wed his daughter, Tincuța, to the upstart Tănase Scatiu. The young man seizes the landlord’s property, which facilitates his climb up the social hierarchy.

Directed by: Dan Pița
Script: Mircea Gheorghiu, after „Tănase Scatiu” by Duiliu Zamfirescu
Cast: Victor Rebengiuc, Eliza Petrăchescu, Vasile Nițulescu, Andrei Pintilie, András Csiky, Dan Nuțu, Christina Nuțu, Rodica Tapalagă, Carmen Galin, Aristide Teica, Victor Strengaru, Corina Constantinescu, Ioana Ciomârtan, Ada D’Albon Azimioara, Costel Constantin, Mitică Popescu, Ferenc Bencze, Zoltán Vadász, Ovidiu Schumacher, Dorel Vișan, Constantin Sassu, Boris Petroff, Adrian Georgescu, Cătălina Pintilie, Corneliu Revent, Ileana Iordache, Valer Dellakeza, Cristina Hofman, Florin Zamfirescu, Carmen Galin, Mircea Diaconu

Stone Wedding (1973) by Dan Pița and Mircea Veroiu - drama film online on CINEPUB

STONE WEDDING (1973) – drama film online

”Stone Wedding” invites us to contemplate human beings in spaces of life and death — in short, to witness cinema in its purest form. The title brings together two medium-length films inspired by short stories by Ion Agârbiceanu, set in the gold-bearing area of the Mountains at the beginning of the 20th century.

Directed by: Dan Pița, Mircea Veroiu
Script: Ion Agîrbiceanu, Dan Pița, Mircea Veroiu
Cast: Leopoldina Bălănuță, Eliza Petrăchescu, Nina Doniga, Adrian Georgescu, Mircea Diaconu, Radu Boruzescu, Petrică Gheorghiu, Ursula Nussbacher, George Calboreanu Jr.

Metronom (2022) - de Alexandru Belc - drama film online on CINEPUB

METRONOM (2022) – drama film online

Bucharest, 1972: a group of high school students who would have preferred to attend Woodstock ’69 than a “tea dance” in a communist living room. While Țiriac and Năstase are playing in the Davis Cup Final against the USA in 1972, two high school students fall in love and write letters to the “Metronom” program on Free Europe. When he gets the go-ahead to leave the country for good with his family, they know they have to split up, but they didn’t expect their last days together to become decisive for their whole lives.

Directed by: Alexandru Belc
Script: Alexandru Belc
Cast: Mara Bugarin, Șerban Lazarovici, Vlad Ivanov, Mara Vicol, Mihai Călin, Andreea Bibiri, Alina Brezunțeanu, Mihnea Moldoveanu, Andrei Miercure, Măriuca Bosnea, Eduard Chimac, Tiberiu Zavelea, Claudia Soare, Briana Macovei, Pamela Iobaji, Ana Bodea, Alin Oprea, Alexandru Conovaru, Horațiu Bob, Alexandru Nedelcu, Daniel Tomescu

Mohamed Tomescu

Passionate about hip-hop and raised by his grandmother in Vama village, in Romania’s Suceava county, Mohamed wants to change his surname but is troubled by how his Syrian father would react to his decision.

Otherwise is a publication run by a team of editors from academia, writing and the visual arts. A space for sharing stories that matter, encouraging the cultivation and practice of storytelling as a narrative of ordinary, everyday life.

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